Users can upvote once a day for one specific list item. Otherwise, people would abuse the system. This is a soft restriction though. One can use another browser or clear cookies and upvote the same list item again. We did not go overboard with it and wanted to strike a balance between usability vs abuse.
Table of ContentsWild ancestorsHistorySociety and cultureGermanic paganismGreek mythologyChristian artProverbCultivarsCultivationBreedingApple tree in GermanyBlooming apple tree on Kota Batu, IndonesiaPollinationApple blossom from an old Ayrshire cultivarOrchard mason bee on apple bloom, British Columbia, CanadaMaturation and harvestStoragePests and diseases Apple trees are large if grown from seed. Generally, apple cultivars are propagated by grafting onto rootstocks, which control the size of the resulting tree. There are more than […]