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What is the Changelog of SLD?

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Version 4.5.0 – released on Nov 20 – 2017

# White Background added for filter buttons.
# style-10 shadow improved.
# google favicon link will not auto generate if custom link is found.
# Added page url in auto page search for SLD shortcodes
# Link url added in search for all template.
# sld auto page search in Front end setting page for SLD shortcodes
# Favicon url will not override if any custom url exists.
# Lang: Enable Item Filtering Top -> Enable List Filtering at Top Position
# Lang: Enable Item Filtering Left-> Enable List Filtering at Left Position
# Import/Export design update.
# Order list -> Your Orders
# package page design update.
# Mark item as new & featured added.
# Package on/off feature moved to package creation page.
# Exclude list for fontend submission option added.
# Filter button order option added.
# Infinity scroll added in simple template.
# Favorite container will show empty while no favorite item selected by user.
# Frontend submission category problem fixed.
# Bookmark list logo alignment fixed for all template.
# Setting page jquery ui conflict fixed.
# Checked with php7 again – OK
# Favorite List sql error fixed.
# Favorite List live update added for all template.
# Favorite List icon position fixed for all template.
# Language change – You have to login in to view this content. Click Here to log in.
# Option added to add message for favorite popup in setting page favorite section.
# Alphabetical order set for favorite list item.
# Favorite live update added for simple template.
# scrolling=”yes” change to scrolling=”auto” in embed code
# Double upvote issue fixed finally.
# Language changed to – You are not logged in user. Do you want to log in to -> You need to Log in to add links to your favorite list. Go to Login Page?.
# Package duration lifetime issue fixed.
# Scroll bar issue fixed.
# Favorite feature added.
# sendgrid conflict issue fixed.
# tab conflict issue fixed.
# Embed scroll bar fixed.
# In Embed item orderby upvote added.
# http:// label added for item link.
# Translation of some language fixed.
# up-vote animation added.
# Bullet icon removed for widget.
# Widget css issue fixed.
# Filter show All item count added.
# Title sorting case sensitive fixed.
# Support page css conflict issue.
# Option tree css conflict fixed.
# Invalid header problem fixed.
# Filter area background remove
# Column style-10 issue fixed.
# Tooltip width issue fixed.
# H1 css issue fixed.
# Order added in embed code.
# Option tree error fixed.
# Require error fixed.
# qc-opd.pot file updated for multilanguage support.
# Limit reached fixed.
# Some CSS conflicts fixed.
# Registration notification email text change.
# When Disable No follow is on, it should Keep no follow selected and not allow user to disable no-follow – done
# Disable No follow text change.

Version 4.4.0 – Oct 15th

# tooltip width fixed for mobile.
# Track outbound click fixed.
# language changed according to slack msg.
# Translate problem fixed.
# Submitted items not showing fixed.
# Fixed grammatical mistake in setting page.
# Update text in Settings > Help: This feature will allow your users to submit their links to your lists from website front end. To achieve this you have to create 4 different pages and paste the following short code in each page.
# Embed z-index problem fixed.
# RTL upvote overlap fixed for simple template.
# shortcode generator problem for style-14 fixed.
# Added tooltip in embeded list.
# Style 9 padding fixed.
# Admin option disable no follow.

Version 4.2.0 – released on Oct 12 – 2017

# Fixed include error in some site
# Better language translation support with loco translator
# Minor adjustments and bug fixes.

Version 4.0.0 – released on Sept 26 – 2017

# PayPal payment integrated for front end link submission to directory
# 15th Template
# Left positioned Filter buttons
# Tabbe Category based All List Display
# Placeholder color change in search bar.
# column parameter fixed .
# shortcode generator fixed.
# search box background changed.
# Item change to Link.
# compatible from 5.3.
# Tooltip color fixed.
# Search does not take effect if click on filter button.
# Shortcode support in ad area.
# New Item notification added.
# Fixed No access issue.
# Admin can add unlimited link from frontend.
# header already send error fixed.
# Directory filter button Carousel filter button arrow fixed.
# Left Navigation carousel in mobile view.
# Frontend manager background color added.
# Live search fixed for all template.
# filter background & text color option added.
# Typography for dashboard.
# No follow added in frontend.
# Carousel fixed in responsive view.
# Do shortcode fixed.
# Package problem fixed.
# Image uploaded css fixed.
# Widget problem fixed.
# captcha Refresh button added
# Captcha not be case sensitive.
# Email Notification for admin & User.
# Registration page javascript validation added.
# Responsive issue fixed for all template.
# style-14 responsive issue fixed.
# Width for tab fixed.
# Category Tab implemented.
# Dubble add link problem fixed.
# Option added for List title color.
# Shortcode generator modified.
# Page loading reduced.
# Login button text color change to white.
# Do not show tool tip bar when there is no sub title – for all templates done.
# Option added for list title font size and line height in shortcode.
# Column fixed except style-5, style-6, style-7 templates.
# Jquery conflict issue fixed.
# New template style 14 added.
# vertical filtering done.
# Option for Allow user to upload image.
# Allow user update profile.
# margin override issue fixed for icon.
# Upvote icon select option added in setting page.
# Payment added
# style 12 conflict with twenty sixteen fixed.
# sld resource load where shortcode exists.
# Checked all order & order by options.
# order_by should not show as option for Single List.
# item_orderby added in shortcode.
# Media uploader css fixed.
# Captcha should not be case sensitive.
# Comment out global notice – The Membership setting must be turned on in order for SLD User Approve to work correctly
# New header added.
# Shortcode column fixed.
# Mobile view scroll to top higher zindex added.
# Embed option role back & search option enable disable fixed.
# Fixed position filter mobile view fixed.
# Embed button fixed.
# Css update for registration, login & reset password.
# Hide for subscribers.
# Shortcode parameter for embed fixed.
# Template style-3, style-4, style-11 update.

Version 3.8.0 – released on Aug 12 – 2017

# Front End User Registration with Captcha, Log in, Link Submission
# Admin Approves User Submitted Links to Listing Directory or Auto Approve
# New Template Added – style-13 (14 templates total)
# Fixed Position Filter Area (Shortcode Generator Option)
# style-3, style-4, style-9, style-11 improved
# Migrated Settings Area to Option Tree framework to avoid conflict with some themes
# Font Size & Line Height Option Added for Title & Subtitle in Shortcode Generator
# Scroll to Top Button Added.
# Misc. Improvements and Minor Bug Fixes

Version 3.5.5 – released on Jul 10 – 2017

1. Fixed conflicts with some themes
2. Better Export/Import
3. Added Custom JS option

Version 3.5.0 – released on May 16 – 2017

1. Custom font settings
2. New shortcode to Randomize List Item
3. Improved Import Feature

Version 3.2.0 – released on Apr 19 – 2017

1. Added item pagination for more templates
2. Minor CSS fixes
3. Minor fixes for multicolumn layouts

Version 3.0.0 – released on Apr 19 – 2017

1. Export / Import
2. Favicon/Image URL Improved
3. Checkbox Fixing for Nofollow & NewTab
4. Alt/Title field for the Images
5. Thumbs Up switching for widgets
6. Tooltip for Template-1

Version 2.7.0 – released on Mar 16 – 2017

Auto Favicon Detection
Better Admin Interface

Version 2.5.1 – released on Mar 06 – 2017

Font awesome icons integrated
New template

Version 2.4.0 – released on Feb 14 – 2017

AD or Text Block feature with each list

Version 2.2.0 – released on Jan 29 – 2017

Vastly improved short code generator
Minor CSS updates

Version 2.1.0 – released on Jan 13 – 2017

Bug Fixes
CSS adjustments.

Version 1.9.1 – released on Dec 30 – 2016

Added Google Analytics Integration for outbound link click tracking!
Minor CSS adjustments.

Version 1.7 – released on Dec 09 – 2016

Added 12th template.
Added option to set custom LinkBack title and link for embed option.

Version 1.6 – released on Nov 30 – 2016

Added 11th template: Usecase example: 24 Books to learn programming in PHP

Version 1.5 – released on Nov 27 – 2016

Added embed option
Added icon option with style-9

Version 1.4 – released on Nov 16 – 2016

Added 10th template
Minor bug fixes for widgets

Version 1.2 – released on Nov 08 – 2016

Hide empty lists from Live search
Added RTL support
Widget for Latest, Most Voted and Random list items
Order Items by up-votes & item title
Custom CSS Box in Settings
URL masking option for affiliate links

Version 1.0 – released on Oct 28 – 2016


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