- You can assign each list to one or more categories and then use the shortcode generator to output only a single Category on a page and output another Category on another page. For example, http://www.dna88.com/
ultimate-list-of-best-seo- tools/ has only the Lists assigned to Best SEO Tools category and this page: http://www.dna88.com/ ultimate-list-of-free-web- design-resources/ has only the Lists assigned to Web Design Resources category. - If you want, you can show All your Category wise Listings on a single page in Tab mode like this: http://dev.quantumcloud.
com/sld/all-category-lists/As you can see there are 4 tabs which are 4 categories and users can browse through all the lists assigned to these four categories from this single page easily.
Table of ContentsWild ancestorsHistorySociety and cultureGermanic paganismGreek mythologyChristian artProverbCultivarsCultivationBreedingApple tree in GermanyBlooming apple tree on Kota Batu, IndonesiaPollinationApple blossom from an old Ayrshire cultivarOrchard mason bee on apple bloom, British Columbia, CanadaMaturation and harvestStoragePests and diseases Apple trees are large if grown from seed. Generally, apple cultivars are propagated by grafting onto rootstocks, which control the size of the resulting tree. There are more than […]