iList Pro Full Feature List

Unlimited iLists
Create unlimited infographics and show them anywhere.
Unlimited iLists
Create unlimited lists and infographics and show them anywhere on any page.
Eschewing much of the over-the-top luddism that now fills the New York Times (“Silicon Valley is Not Your Friends”), the Guardian (“The Tech Insiders Who Fear a Smartphone Dystopia”), and other mainstream media outlets, Keen proffers practical solutions to a wide range of tech-related woes. These include persistent public and private surveillance, labor displacement, and fake news.Eschewing much of the over-the-top luddism that now fills the New York Times (“Silicon Valley is Not Your Friends”), the Guardian (“The Tech Insiders Who Fear a Smartphone Dystopia”), and other mainstream media outlets, Keen proffers practical solutions to a wide range of tech-related woes. These include persistent public and private surveillance, labor displacement, and fake news.
Embed Option
Get backlinks when someone shares your iList
Embed Option
Get backlinks when someone shares your iList
Font Awesome
Pick a font icon and get up and running in minutes
Font Awesome Integration
Pick a font icon and get up and running with your iList in minutes
Configurable iList highlight colors, image upload, visual editor and more
User Up Vote
Let your users express what they like
iList ordering
Order your iList items easily any time
ShortCode Generator!
Powerful shortcode generator block wth all the options.
Google Font.
You can pick any of the 800+ google fonts
Auto Upgrades
Auto Upgrades from WordPress Back end